PA-denotes Principal Author; SRI-Senior Responsible Investigator; CPA-Co-Principal Author; C-Collaborator
Peer Reviewed - Journal Publications
1. Filler RM, Ellerbeck W: Tetanus prophylaxis. JAMA 1960: 174: pp 1-4. PA
2. Filler RM, Edward EA: Collaterals of the lower inferior vena cava in man as revealed by venography. Archives of Surgery 1962: 84: pp 10-16. PA
3. Filler RM, Harris SH, EA: Characteristics of the inferior vena cava venogram in retroperitoneal cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 1962: 266: pp 1194-1197. PA
4. Veith FJ, Filler RM, Berard CW: Significance of prolonged elevation of serum amylase. Annals of Surgery 1963: 158: pp 20-26. SRI
5. Filler RM, Randolph JG, Gross RE: Esophageal hiatus hernia in infants and children. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1964: 47: pp 551-565. PA
6. Filler RM, Schwachman H, Edwards EA: Lymphedema after cat-scratch fever. New England Journal of Medicine 1964: 270: pp 244-245. PA
7. Zollinger RM Jr., Linden MC Jr., Filler RM, Corson JM, Wilson AE: Effects of thymectomy on skin-homograft survival in children. New England Journal of Medicine1964: 270: pp 707-710. C
8. Alpert JJ, Filler RM, Glaser HH: Strangulation of an appendage by hair wrapping. New England Journal of Medicine 1965: 273: pp 866-867. SRI
9. Pulaski EJ, Filler RM, Dibbins AW: Local and systemic antibiotic therapy of wounds and burns. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1965: 93: pp 864-869. SRI
10. Cameron JL, Filler RM, Iber FL, Abei T, Randolph JG: Metabolism and excertion of C14-labeled bilirubin in children with biliary atresia. New England Journal of Medicine 1966: 274: pp 231-236. SRI
11. Filler RM, Sleeman HK, Hendry WS, Pulaski EJ: Lethal factors in experimental peritonitis. Surgery 1966: 60: pp 671-678. PA
12. Filler RM, Bernhard WF, Robinson T, Bankole M, LaFarge CG: An implantable left ventricular-aortic assist device. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery1967: 54: pp 795-802. PA
13. Filler RM, Sleeman HK: Pathogenesis of peritonitis. I. The effect of Escherichia Coli and hemoglobin on peritoneal absorption. Surgery 1967: 61: pp 385-392. PA
14. Sleeman HK, Diggs JW, Hendry W, Filler RM: Pathogenesis of peritonitis. II The effect of Escherichia Coli and adjuvant substances on peritoneal absorption. Surgery 1967: 61: pp 393-398. PA
15. August CS, Rosen FS, Filler RM, Janeway CA, Kay HEM: Implantation of a fetal thymus, restoring immunological competence in a patient with thymic aplasia (DiGeorge's syndrome). Lancet 1968: 2: pp 1201-1211. C
16. Bernhard WF, Filler RM: Hyperbaric oxygenation: Current concepts. American Journal of Surgery 1968: 115: pp 661-668. SRI
17. Filler RM, Griscom NT, Pappas A: Post-traumatic crepitation falsely suggesting gas gangrene. New England Journal of Medicine 1968: 278: pp 758-761. PA
18. Filler RM, Maddock CL, Tefft M, Vawter GF, Brown B: Effects of actinomycin D and x-ray on partially hepatecomized rats. Surgical Forum 1968: 19: pp 358-360. PA
19. Eraklis AJ, Filler RM, Pappas AM, Bernhard WF: Evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunct to the treatment of gas gangrene. American Journal of Surgery 1969: 117: pp 485-492. SRI
20. Filler RM, Eraklis AJ, Rubin VG, Das JB: Long-term parenteral nutrition in infants. New England Journal of Medicine 1969: 281: pp 589-594. PA
21. Filler RM, Tefft M, Vawter GF, Maddock CL, Mitus A: Hepatic lobectomy in
childhood: Effects of xray and chemotherapy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1969: 4: pp31-41. PA
22. Marty AT, Filler RM: Recovery from non-traumatic localized gas gangrene and
clostridial septicaemia. Lancet 1969: 2: pp 79-81. SRI
23. Taylor PH, Filler RM, Nebesar RA, Tefft M: Experience with hepatic resection in chilchood. American Journal of Surgery 1969: 117: pp 435-441. PA
24. Tefft M, Traggis D, Filler RM: Liver irradiation in children: Acute changes with transient leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. American Journal of Roentgenology 1969: 106: pp 750-765. C
25. Das JB, Filler RM, Rubin VG, Eraklis AJ: Intravenous dextrose amino-acid feeding: The metabolic response in the surgical neonate. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1970: 5: pp 127-135. SRI
26. Filler RM, Eraklis AJ: Care of the critically ill child: Intravenous alimentation. Pediatrics 1970: 46: pp 456-461. PA
27. Morgan A, Filler RM, Moore FD: Surgical nutrition. Medical Clinics of North America 1970: 54: pp 1367-1381. SRI
28. Nebesar RA, Tefft M, Filler RM: Correlation of angiography and isotope scanning in abdominal diseases of children. American Journal of Roentgenology 1970: 109: pp 323-340. C
29. Tefft M, Mitus A, Das L, Vawter GF, Filler RM: Irradiation of the liver in children: Review of experience in the acute and chronic phases, and in the intact normal and partially resected. American Journal of Roentgenology 1970: 108: pp 365-385. C
30. Das JB, Eraklis AJ, Filler RM, Adams JG: Serum ionic calcium: Changes with large volume blood transfusion in the infant. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1971: 6: pp 333-338. C
31. Filler RM, Das JB: Muscle surface PH: A new parameter in the monitoring of the critically ill child. Pediatrics 1971: 47: pp 880-885. PA
32. Filler RM, Das JB, Haase GM, Donahoe PK: Muscle surface pH as a monitor of tissue perfusion and acid-base status. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1971: 6: pp 536-542. PA
33. Filler RM, Eraklis AJ, Das JB, Schuster SR: Total intravenous nutrition: An adjunct to the management of infants with a ruptured omphalocele. American Journal of Surgery 1971: 121: pp 454-459. PA
34. Harken AH, Filler RM, AvRuskin TW, Crigler JJ: The role of "total" pancreatectomy in the treatment of unremitting hypoglycemia of infancy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1971: 6: pp 284-289. SRI
35. Mestel AL, Golinko RJ, Wax SH, Steiger B, Kenin A, Filler RM, Landau S: Ischiopegus triups conjoined twins: Case report of a successful separation. Surgery 1971: 69: pp 75-83. C
36. Eraklis AJ, Filler RM: Splenectomy in childhood: A review of 1,413 cases. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1972: 7: pp 382-388. SRI
37. Filler RM, Das JB, Espinosa HM: Clinical experience with continuous muscle pH monitoring as an index of tissue perfusion and oxygenation and acid base status. Surgery 1972: 72: pp 23-33. PA
38. Filler RM, Traggis DG, Jaffe N, Vawter GF: Favourable outlook for children with mediastinal neuroblastoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1972: 7: pp 136-143. PA
39. Harken AH, Filler RM: The use of the umbilical artery and muscle pH monitoring in neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1972: 63: pp 973-967. SRI
40. Lloyd-Still JD, Shwachman H, Filler RM: Intravenous hyperalimnetation in pediatrics. American Journal of Digestive Diseases 1972: 17: pp 1043-1052. C
41. Philippart AI, Canty TG, Filler RM: Acute volume requirements in infants with anterior abdominal wall defects. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1972: 7: pp 553-558. C
42. Filler RM: Total parenteral feeding of infants. Hospital Practice 1972: 7: pp 79-86. PA
43. Cassady JR, Tefft M, Filler RM, Jaffe NB, Hellman S: Considerations in the radiation therapy of Wilm's tumour. Cancer 1973: 32: pp 598-608. C
44. Das JB, Filler RM: Amino acid utilization during total parenteral nutrition in the surgical neonate. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1973: 8: pp 793-799. SRI
45. Filler RM: A new method of fixation of silicone rubber catheters for long-term hyperalimentation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1973: 8: pp 395-397. PA
46. Jaffe N, Filler RM, Farber S, Traggis DG, Murray JE, Vawter GF, Tefft M: Rhabdomysarcome in children: Improved outlook with a multidisciplinary approach. American Journal of Surgery 1973: 125: pp 482-487. SRI
47. Jaffe N, Jockin H, Tefft M, Traggis D, Filler RM: Wilm's tumour diagnosed as thoracentesis. Chest 1973: 64: pp 130-132. C
48. Lloyd-Still JD, Shwachman H, Filler RM: Protracted diarrhea of infancy trated by intravenous hyperalimentation, I. Clinical studies on 16 infants. American Journal of Diseases in Childhood 1973: 125: pp 358-364. C
49. Pappas AM, Filler RM, Eraklis AJ, Bernhard WF: Clostridial infections (gas
gangrene): Diagnosis and early treatment. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 1973: 76: pp 117=184. SRI
50. Cassady JR, Filler RM, Jaffe N, Vawter G: Carcinoma of the kidney in children. Radiology 1974: 112: pp 691-693. SRI
51. Crocker D, Koka BV, Filler RM, Castaneda A, Smith RM, Hoffman P: Tissue uptake and excretion of nitrous oxide in pediatric anaesthesia. Anaesthesia and Analgesia 1974: 53: pp 779-786. C
52. Filler RM, Das JB, Schwartz AA, Hoffman P, Del Campo MN: Continous monitoring of muscle gas tensions and pH during tissue acid-base disturbances. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1974: 9: pp 633-641. PA
53. Nebesar RA, Tefft M, Vawter GF, Filler RM: Angiography in radiation "hepatitis". British Journal of Radiology 1974: 47: pp 588-593. C
54. Ballantine TVN, Wiseman NE, Filler RM: Assessment of pulmonary Wedge resection for the treatment of lung metastases. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1975: 10: pp 671-676. C
55. Broker FHL, Khettry J, Filler RM, Treves S: Splenic torsion and accessory spleen: A scientigraphic demonstration. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1975: 10: pp 913-915. C
56. Cassady JR, Meyer G, Jaffe N, Filler RM: Fever, lethargy and rash complicating treatment for Wilm's tumour: A new syndrome? Radiology 1975: 115: pp 171-174. C
57. Exelby PR, Filler RM, Grosfeld JL: Liver tumours in children in particular reference to hepatoblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma (American Academy of Pediatrics Surgical Section Survery). Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1975: 10: pp 329-337. SRI
58. Filler RM, Jaffe N, Cassady JR, Traggis DG, Vawter GF: Experience with clinical and operative staging of Hodgkin's disease in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1975: 10: pp 321-328. PA
59. Jaffe NM, Cassady JR, Filler RM, Peterson R, Traggis D: Heterchromia and Horner syndrome associated with cervical and mediastinal neuroblastoma. Journal of Pediatrics 1975: 87]: pp 75-77. C
60. Botnick LE, Goodman R, Jaffe N, Filler RM, Cassady JR: Stages I-III Hodgkin's disease in children: Results of staging and treatment. Cancer 1976: 39: pp 599-603. C
61. Filler RM, Coran AG: Total parenteral nutrition in infants and children: Central and peripheral approaches. Surgical Clinics of North America 1976: 56: pp 395-412. PA
62. Filler RM, Rosello PJ, Lebowitz RL: Life-threatening anoxic spells due to tracheal compression after repair of esophageal atresia: Correction by surgery. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1976: 11: pp 739-748. PA
63. Jaffe N, Traggis D, Cassady JR, Filler RM, Watts H, Frei E: Multidisciplinary treatment for macrometastatic osteogenic sarcoma. British Medical Journal 1976: 2: pp 1039-1041. C
64. Cassady JR, Jaffe N, Filler RM: The increasing importance of radiation therapy in the improved prognosis of children with Wilm's tumour. Cancer 1977: 39: pp 8235-8239. C
65. Filler RM, Jaffe N, Cassady JR, Traggis DG, Das JB: Parenteral nutrition support in children with cancer. Cancer 1977: 39: pp 2665-2669. PA
66. Hirsch HJ, Loo S, Evans N, Crigler JG Jr., Filler RM, Gabbay KH: Hypoglycemia of infancy and nesidioblastosis: Studies with somatostatin. New England Journal of Medicine 1977: 296: pp 1323-1326. C
67. Jaffe N, Murray J, Traggis D, Cassady JR, Filler RM, Watts H, Weichelbaum RR, Weinstein H: Multi-disciplinary treatment for childhood sarcoma. American Journal of Surgery 1977: 133: pp 405-413. C
68. Nelson DF, Cassady JR, Traggis D, Baez-Giangreco A, Vawter GF, Jaffe N, Filler RM: The role of radiation therapy in localized resectable intestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in children. Cancer 1977: 39: pp 89-97. C
69. Traggis DG, Filler RM, Druckman H, Jaffe N, Cassady JR: Prognosis for children with neuroblastoma presenting with paralysis. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1977: 12: pp 419-426. SRI
70. Weichselbaum RR, Cassady JR, Jaffe N, Watts H, Filler RM: Multi-modality therapy for metastatic osteosarcoma. Cancer 1977: 40: pp 78-83. C
71. Hopkins TB, Jaffe N, Colodny A, Cassady JR, Filler RM: The management of testicular tumours in children. Journal of Urology 1978: 120: pp 96-102. C
72. Schwartz MZ, Filler RM: Plication of the diaphragm for symptomatic phrenic nerve paralysis. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1978: 13: pp 259. SRI
73. Filler RM, Dietz W, Suskind RM, Jaffe N, Cassady JR: Parenteral feeding in the management of children with cancer. Cancer 1979: 43(55): pp 2117-2120. PA
74. Filler RM, Simpson J, Ein SH: Mediastinal masses in infants and children. Pediatric Clinics of North America 1979: 26: pp 677-690. PA
75. Stringel GS, Filler RM: Prognostic factors in imphalocele and gastroschisis. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1979: 14: pp 515-519. SRI
76. Bahoric A, Filler RM, Perlman K, Jackman WS, Albisser AM: New devices and methods for long term vascular access for blood sampling and insulin infusion. Diabetes Care 1980: 3: pp 338-344. SRI
77. Ein SH, Barker G, Olley P, Shandling B, Simpson JS, Stephens CA, Filler RM: The pharmacologic treatment of newborn diaphragmatic hernia: A two-year evaluation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1980: 15: pp 384-394. C
78. Filler RM, Hardy BE: Testicular tumours in children. World Journal of Surgery 1980: 4: pp 63-70. PA
79. Filler RM, Stringel G: Treatment of choledochal cyst by excision. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1980: 15: pp 437-442. PA
80. Filler RM, Takada Y, Carreras T, Heim T: Serum intralipid levels in neonates during parental nutrition: The relation to gestational age. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1980: 15: pp 405-410. PA
81. Janik JS, Filler RM, Ein SH, Simpson JS: Long-term follow-up of circular myotomy for esophageal atresia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1980: 15: pp 835-841. SRI
82. Schwartz MZ, Filler RM: Tracheal compression as a cause of apnea following repair of tracheoesophageal fistula: Treatment of aortopexy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1980: 15: pp 842-848. SRI
83. Stringel GS, Ein SH, Greighton R, Daneman D, Howard N, Filler RM: Pheochromocytoma in children: An update. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1980: 15: pp 496-500. C
84. Blustein PL, Gaskin K, Filler RM, Ho CS, Connon JJ: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in pancreatitis in children and adolescent. Pediatrics 1981: 68: pp 387-393. C
85. Fonger JD, Filler RM, Rider WD, Thomas GM: Testicular tumours in maldescended testes. Canadian Journal of Surgery 1981: 24: pp 353-355. SRI
86. Janik JS, Culham JAG, Filler RM, Shandling B, Stringel G: Balloon embolization of a bleeding gastroduodenal artery in a one-year-old child. Pediatrics 1981: 67: pp 671-674. C
87. Janik JS, Ein SH, Filler RM, Shandling B, Simpson JS, Stephens CA: An assessment of the surgical treatment of adhesive small bowel obstruction in infants and children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1981: 16: pp 225-229. C
88. Janik JS, Simpson JS, Filler RM: Wide gap esophageal atresia with inaccessible upper pouch. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1981: 82: pp 198-202. C
89. Perlman K, Ehrlich RM, Filler RM, Albisser AM: Waveform requirements for metabolic normalization with continuous intravenous insulin delivery in man. Diabetes 1981: 30: pp 710-717. C
90. Takada Y, Kent G, Filler RM: Circular myotomy and esophageal length and safe esophageal anastomosis: An experimental study. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1981: 16: pp 343-348. C
91. Wesson DE, Filler RM, Ein SH, Shandling B, Simpson JS, Stephens CA: Ruptured spleen: When to operate? Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1981: 16: pp 324-326. SRI
92. David IB, Buck JR, Filler RM: The rational use of antibiotics in perforated appendicitis in childhood. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1982: 17: pp 494-500. C
93. Filler RM, Buck J, Bahoric A, Steward DJ: Treatment of segmental tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia by implantation of an airway splint. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1982: 17: pp 597-603. PA
94. Janik JS, Track NS, Filler RM: Motilin, human pancreatic polypeptide, gastrin, and insulin plasma concentrations in fasted children. Journal of Pediatrics 1982: 101: pp 51. C
95. Stringel G, Filler RM: Factitious pancreatitis in choledochal cyst. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1982: 17: pp 359-361. CPA
96. Van Eys J, Wesley MN, Cangir A, Copeland EM, Donaldson SS, Ghavimi F, Shils M, Suskind R, Jaffe N, Filler RM: Safety of intravenous hyperalimentation in children with malignancies: A co-operative group trial. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 1982: 6: pp 291-294. C
97. Yeung RSW, Buck JR, Filler RM: The significance of fever following operations in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1982: 17: pp 347-349. C
98. Ein SH, Stringer DA, Stephens CA, Shandling B, Simpson J, Filler RM: Recurrent tracheoesophageal fistulas: A 17 year review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1983: 18: pp 436-441. C
99. Muraji T, Murphy P, Almalki T, Kent G, Smith C, Bahoric A, Filler RM: Tracheal reconstruction with vascularized muscle supported by an external splint. Surgical Forum 1983: 34: pp 575-577. C
100. Murphy P, Filler RM, Muraji T, Bahoric A, Kent G, Smith C: Effect of prosthetic airway splint on the growing trachea. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1983: 18: pp 872-878. SRI
101. Rich RH, Filler RM: Segmental infarction of the greater momentum as a cause of the acute abdomen in childhood. Canadian Journal of Surgery 1983: 26: pp 241-243. SRI
102. Rich RH, Hardy BE, Filler RM: Surgery for anomalies of the urachus. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1983: 18: pp 370-372. C
103. Bagwell CE, Filler RM, Cutz E, Stringer D, Ein SH, Shandling B, Stephens CA, Wesson DE: Neonatal intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1984: 19: pp 732-739. C
104. Giacomantonio M, Filler RM, Rich RH: Blunt hepatic trauma in children: Experience with operative and non operative management. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1984: 19: pp 519-522. SRI
105. Langer JC, Filler RM, Wesson DE, Sherwood G, Cutz E: Surgical management of persistent neonatal hypoglycemia due to islet cell dysplasia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1984: 19: pp 786-792. SRI
106. Perlman K, Ehrlich RM, Filler RM, Albisser AM: Sustained normoglycemia in newly-diagnosied Type 1 diabetics: Short-term effects and 1 year follow-up. Diabetes 1984: 33: pp 995-1001. C
107. Wesson DE, Muraji T, Kent G, Filler RM, Almachi T: The effect of intrauterine esophageal ligation on growth of fetal rabbits. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1984: 19: pp 398-399. C
108. Basel TJ, Filler RM: Surgical diseases of the spleen. Surgical Clinics of North America 1985: 65: pp 129. SRI
109. Cohen RC, Filler RM, Konuma K, Bahoric A, Keng G, Smith C: The successful reconstruction of thoracic tracheal defects with free peeriosteal grafts. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1985: 20: pp 852-858. SRI
110. Blair GK, Filler RM, Cohen R: Treatment of tracheomalacia: 8 years experience. Journal of Pediatrics 1986: 21: pp 781-785. SRI
111. Cohen RC, Filler RM, Konuma K, Bahoric A, Kent G, Smith C: A new model of tracheal stenosis and its repair using free periosteal grafts. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1986: 92: pp 296-304. SRI
112. Dritschilo A, Weichselbaum R, Cassady JR, Jaffe N, Green D, Filler RM: The role of radiation therapy in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas of childhood. Cancer 1986: 42: pp 1192-1203. C
113. Ein S, Stephens C, Shandling B, Filler RM: Intussusception due to lymphoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1986: 21: pp 786-788. C
114. Ein SH, Friedberg J, Shandling B, Simpson JS, Fearon B, Filler RM: Traumatic bronchial injuries in children. Pediatric Pulmonology 1986: 2: pp 60-64. C
115. Jacobs DG, Jaka-Ikse K, Wesson DE, Filler RM, Sherwood G: Growth and development in patients operated on for islet cell dysplasia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1986: 21: pp 1184-1189. C
116. Jones P, Winthrop, Schoeller D, Swyer P, Smith J, Filler RM, Heim T: Validation of doubly labelled water for assessing energy expenditure in postsurgical infants. Pediatric Research 1986: 21: pp 242. C
117. Lichtman S, Hayes G, Stringer D, Moore D, Blair G, Smith C, Durie R, Filler RM: Chronic intussusception due to antral myoepithelioma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1986: 21: pp 955-966. C
118. Mago H, Chen CL, Wesson DE, Filler RM: Incisionless gastrostomy for nutritional support. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1986: 5: pp 66-69. C
119. Superina RA, Wesson DE, Bahoric A, Filler RM: Evaluation of a new catheter for total parenteral nutrition. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1986: 5: pp 66-69. C
120. Winthrop A, Jones P, Schoeller D, Swyer P, Smith J, Filler RM, Heim T: Doubly labelled water method: A new simple technique for measuring energy expenditure in infants. Surgical Forum 1986: 27: pp 88. C
121. Winthrop AL, Wesson DE, Filler RM: Traumatic duodenal hematoma in the pediatric patient. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1986: 21: pp 757-760. C
122. Zuker RM, Filler RM, Lalla R: Intra-abdominal tissue expansion: An adjunct in the separation of conjoined twins. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1986: 21: pp 1198-1200. SRI
123. Blair GK, Filler RM, Theodorescu D: Neonatal pharyngoesophageal perforation mimiking esophageal atresia: Clues to diagnosis. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1987: 22: pp 770-774. SRI
124. Hoffman M, Spence L, Wesson DE, Armstrong P, Williams I, Filler RM: The pediatric passenger: Trends in seatbelt use and injury patterns. Journal of Trauma 1987: 27: pp 974-976. C
125. Odigwe L, Sherman PM, Filler RM, Shandling B, Wesson DE: Straight ileonal pouch-anal anastomosis in the surgical management of idiopathic ulcerative colitis and familial polyposis coli in children: Follow-up and comparative analysis. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1987: 6: pp 426-429. C
126. Vinograd I, Filler RM, Bahoric A: Long-term functional results of prosthetic airway splinting in transcheomalacia and bronchomalacia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1987: 22: pp 38-41. SRI
127. Vinograd I, Filler RM, England SJ, Smith C, Poenaru D, Bahoric A, Kent G: Tracheomalacia: An experimental animal model for a new surgical approach. Journal of Surgical Research 1987: 42: pp 597-604. SRI
128. Winthrop A, Jones P, Schoeller D, Filler RM, Heim T: Changes in the body composition of the surgical infant in the early postoperative period. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1987: 22: pp 546. C
129. Winthrop A, Wesson DE, Pencharz P, Jacobs D, Heim T, Filler RM: Injury severity, whole body protein turnover and energy expenditure in pediatric trauma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1987: 22: pp 534. C
130. Jones PJ, Winthrop AL, Schoeller DA, Filler RM, Swyer PR, Smith J, Heim T: Evaluation of doubly labelled water for measuring energy expenditure during changing nutrition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1988: 47: pp 799-804. C
131. Langer J, Wesson DE, Ein SH, Filler RM, Shandling B, Superina R, Papa M: Feeding gastrostomy in neurologically impaired children: Is an antireflux procedure necessary? Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1988: 7/6: pp 837-841. SRI
132. Langer JC, Filler RM, Bohn DJ, Shandling B, Ein SH, Wesson DE, Superina RA: Timing of surgery for congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Is emergency operation necessary. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1988: 23: pp 731-734. SRI
133. Langer JC, Filler RM, Coles J, Edmonds J: Placation of the diaphragm for infants and young children with phrenic nerve palsy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1988: 23: pp 749-751. SRI
134. Loeff DS, Filler RM, Vinograd I, Ein SH, Williams WG, Smith CR, Bahoric A: Congenital tracheal stenosis: A review of 22 patients from 1965 to 1987. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1988: 23: pp 744-748. SRI
135. Pierro A, Carnielli V, Filler RM, Smith J, Heim T: Characteristics of protein sparing effect of total parenteral nutrition in the surgical infant. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1988: 23: pp 538-542. C
136. Superina RA, Wesson D, Bahoric A, Filler RM: Evaluation of a new catheter for total parental nutrition. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1988: 24: pp 686-689. C
137. Wesson DE, Williams JI, Salmi LR, Spence LJ, Armstrong RF, Filler RF: Evaluating a pediatric trauma program: Effectiveness versus preventable death rate. Journal of Trauma 1988: 28: pp 1226-1231. C
138. Hoffman H, Langer JC, Pearl RH, Superina RA, Wesson DE, Ein SH, Shandling B, Filler RM: Central Venous catheters: No x-rays needed: A prospective study in 50 consecutive infants and children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1988: 24: pp 534-538. C
139. Loeff DS, Filler RM, Gorestein A, Ein S, Philippart A, Bahoric A, Kent G, Smith C, Vinograd I: Vinograd I: A new intratracheal stent for tracheobronchial reconstruction. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1988: 23: pp 1173-1177. SRI
140. Pierro A, Langevin A, Filler RM, Liu P, Phillips J, Greenberg M: Preoperative chemotherapy in "unresectable" hepatoblastoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 24-29. C
141. Dykes E, Spence L, Young L, Bohn D, Filler RM, Wesson DE: Preventable pediatric trauma deaths in a Metropolitan region. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 107-111. C
142. Pearl R, Wesson DE, Spence L, Filler RM, Ein S, Shandling B, Superina R: Splenic injury: A 5 year update with improved results and changing criteria for conservative management. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 121-125. C
143. Pierro A, Langevin A, Filler RM, Smith J, Heim T: Metabolism of intravenous fat emulsion in the surgical neonate. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 95-102. C
144. Wesson DE, Williams JL, Spence LJ, Filler RM, Armstrong PF, Pearl RH: Functional outcome in pediatric trauma. Journal of Trauma 1989: 29: pp 589-592. C
145. Pierro A, Koletzko B, Carnielli V, Superina RA, Eve RA, Filler RM, Smith J, Heim T: Resting energy expenditure is increased in infants and children with extrahepatic biliary atresia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 534-538. C
146. Winthrop A, Filler RM, Smith J, Heim T: Analysis of energy and macronutrient balance in the postoperative infant. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 686-689. SRI
147. Ein SH, Shandling B, Wesson D, Filler RM: Esophageal atresia with distal tracheoesophageal fistula: Associated anomalies and prognosis in the 1980's. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 1055-1059. C
148. Langer JC, Winthrop AL, Wesson DE, Spence L, Pearl R, Hoffman M, Loeff DS, Price D, Wong A, Gilday D, Benson L, Filler RM: Diagnosis and incidence of cardiac injury in children with blunt thoracic trauma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 1091-1094. C
149. Couper RT, Durie PR, Stafford SE, Filler RM, Marcon MA, Forstner GG: Late gastrointestinal bleeding and protein loss after distal small bowel resection in infancy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1989: 9: pp 454-460. C
150. Tithecott GA, Filler RM, Sherman PM: Turcot's syndrome: A diagnostic consideration in a child with primary adenocarcinoma of the colon. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1989: 24: pp 1189-1191. SRI
151. Pearl R, Robie D, Ein SH, Shandling B, Wesson DE, Superina R, Mctaggart K, Garcia V, O'Connor J, Filler RM: Complications of gastroesophageal antireflux surgery in neurologically impaired versus neurologically normal children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1990: 25: pp 1169-1173. C
152. Dykes EH, Bahoric A, Smith C, Kent G, Filler RM: Reduced tracheal growth after reconstruction with pericardium. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1990: 25: pp 25-29. C
153. Langer JC, Papa M, Hoffman MA, Loeff D, Pearl R, Filler RM: Cyclic neutropenia with colonic perforation and non healing colocutaneous fistula. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1990: 25: pp 346-348. C
154. Boxen I, Zhang ZM, Filler RM: Lymphoscintigraphy for cystic hygroma. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1990: 31: pp 516-518. C
155. Burnweit C, Wesson DE, Stringer D, Filler RM: Percutaneous drainage of traumatic pancreatic pseudocysts in children. Journal of Trauma 1990: 30: pp 1273-1277. C
156. Byard R, Thorner P, Cutz E, Filler RM, Durie P: Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis and cholecystoduodenal fistula formation associated with total parenteral nutrition in a six year old child. Pathology 1990: 22: pp 239-241. C
157. Ein S, Shandling B, Wesson DE, Filler RM: A 13-year experience with peritoneal drainage under local anaesthesia for necrotizing enterocolitis perforation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1990: 25: pp 1034-1037. C
158. Ein S, Shandling B, Wesson DE, Filler RM: Recurrent pheochromocytomas in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1990: 25: pp 1063-1065. C
159. Pierro A, Carnielli V, Filler RM, Kicak L, Smith J, Heim T: Partition of energy metabolism in the surgical newborn. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1991: 26: pp 581-586. C
160. Greenberg M, Burnweit C, Filler RM, Weitzman S, Sohl H, Chan H, Jenkins D, Dougherty M, Berry M, Balcolm A, McLorie G: Pre-operative chemotherapy for children with Wilms' tumor. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1991: 26: pp 949-956. C
161. Messineo A, Filler RM, Bahoric A, Smith C: Repair of long tracheal defects with cryopreserved cartilaginous allograft. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1991: 27: pp 1136-1141. SRI
162. Filler RM, Ehrlich PF, Greenberg M, Babyn P: Pre-operative chemotherapy in hepatoblastoma. Surgery 1991: 110: pp 591-597. PA
163. Messineo A, Filler RM, Bahoric B, Smith C, Bahoric A: Successful tracheal autotransplantation with a vascularized omental flap. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1991: 26: pp 1296-1300. SRI
164. Filler RM: A forum for progress in pediatric surgery. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1992: 27: pp 135-141. PA
165. Filler RM, Messineo A, Vinograd I: Severe tracheomalacia associated with esophageal atresia: Results of surgical treatment. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1992: 27: pp 1136-1141. PA
166. Messineo A, Forte V, Joseph T, Silver M, Filler RM: The balloon posterior tracheal split: A technique for managing tracheal stenosis in the premature infant. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1992: 27: pp 1142-1144. C
167. Jaksic T, Yaman M, Thorner P, Wesson DE, Filler RM, Shandling B: A twenty year review of pediatric pancreatic tumours. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1992: 27: pp 1315-1317. C
168. Messineo A, MacMillan J, Palder S, Filler RM: Clinical factors affecting mortality in children with malrotation of the intestine. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1992: 27: pp 1343-1345. C
169. Messineo A, Wesson DE, Filler RM, Smith C: Juvenile hemangiomas involving the thoracic trachea in children: Report of two cases. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1992: 27: pp 1291-1293. SRI
170. Mentzer SJ, Filler RM, Phillips JH: Limited pulmonary resections for congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1992: 27: pp 1410-1413. SRI
171. King S, Babyn P, Greenberg M, Phillips J, Filler RM: Value of CT in determining the resectability of hepatoblasoma before and after chemotherapy. American Journal of Roentgenology 1993: 160: pp 793-798. C
172. Messineo A, Filler RM, Joseph T, Bahoric A, Smith C: Tracheoplasty without stent, using preshaped cryopreserved cartilage allografts in neonatal pigs. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1994: 29: pp 697-700. CPA
173. Manson D, Babyn P, Filler R, Holowka S: Three-dimensional imaging of the pediatric trachea in congenital tracheal stenosis. Pediatric Radiology 1994: 24: pp 175-179. SRI
174. Ein S, Weitzman S, Thorner P, Seagram CG, Filler RM: Pediatric Malignant Pheochromocytoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1994: 29: pp 1197-1201. C
175. Filler RM, de Fraga JC: Tracheomalacia. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1994: 6: pp 211-5. CPA
176. Messineo A, Filler RM: Tracheomalacia. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 1994: 3: pp 253-258. SRI
177. Skarsgard E, Filler RM, Superina RA: Postpericardiotomy syndrome and chylopericardium: Two unusual complications following aortopexy for tracheomalacia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1994: 29: pp 1534. SRI
178. Andrew M, Marzinotto V, Pencharz P, Zlotkin S, Burrows P, Ingram J, Adams M, Filler RM: A cross-sectional study of catheter related thrombosis in children on home total parenteral nutrition. Journal of Pediatrics 1995: 126: pp 358-363. C
179. Filler RM, Forte V, Fraga C, Matute J: The use of expandable metallic airway stents for tracheobronchial obstruction in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1995: 30: pp 1050-1056. CPA
180. Kim PC, Wesson D, Superina R, Filler R: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy versus open cholecystectomy in children: which is better? Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1995: 30: pp 971-973. C
181. Phillips MJ, Ackerley CA Superina RA, Roberts EA, Filler RM, Levy GA: Excess zinc associated with severe progressive cholestasis in Cree amd Ojibwa-Cree children. Lancet 1996: 347: pp 866-888. C
182. Manson D, Filler R, Gordon R: Tracheal growth in congenital tracheal stenosis. Pediatric Radiology 1996: 26: pp 427-430. C
183. Lawson ML, Miller SF, Ellis G, Filler RM, Kooh SW: Primary Hyperparathyroidism in a Paediatric Hospital. QJM 1996: 89(12): pp 921-932. SRI
184. Shilyansky J, Fisher S, Cutz E, Perlman K, Filler R: Is 95% pancreatectomy the procedure of choice for treatment of persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of the neonate? Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1997: 32: pp 342-346. SRI
185. Azarow K, Messineo A, Pearl R, Filler R, Barker G, Bohn D: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia-A Tale of Two Cities: The Toronto Experience. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1997: 32: pp 395-400. SRI
186. Fraga JC, Filler RM, Forte V, Bahoric A, Smith C: Experimental Trial of Balloon-Expandable, Metallic Palmaz Stent in the Trachea. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997: 123(5): pp 522-528. SRI
187. Ehrlich PF, Greenberg ML, Filler RM: Improved Long-term survival with preoperative Chemotherapy for hepatoblastoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1997: 32(7): pp 999-1002. C
188. Dick PT, Filler RM, Pavan A: Participant Satisfaction and Comfort with Multidisciplinary Pediatric Telemedicine Consultations. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1997. SRI
189. Jamieson D, Chait P, Filler RM: Intervention Drainage of Pediatric Appendiceal Abscess. American Journal of Roentgenology 1997: 169: pp 1619-1622. C
190. Filler RM, Forte V, Chait P: Tracheobronchial Stenting for the Treatment of Airway Obstruction. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1998: 33: pp 304-311. PA
191. Klein DJ, Filler RM, Azarow KS, Geary DF: Extrauterine twin-twin transfusion affects renal function and perioperative management of conjoined twins. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1998: 33: pp 354-356. C
192. Koletzko F, Filler RM, Heim T: Immatruity Alters Plasma Lipoprotein Composition of Intravenously Alimented Newborn Infants. Eur J Med Res 1998: 3: pp 89-94. C
193. Azarow K, Ein S, Shandling B, Wesson D, Superina R, Filler RM: Laparotomy or drain for perforated necrotizing enterocolitis: who get what and why? Pediatr Surg Int 1997 12: pp137-139
194. Roberts SA, Ball RO, Filler RM, Moore AM, Pencharz PB: Phenylalanine and
Tyrosine metabolism in neonates receiving parenteral nutrition differing in patterns
of amino acids. Ped Res 1998: 44: pp 907-9
195. Shilyansky J, Navarro O, Superina R, Babyn P, Filler RM, Pearl R: Delayed Hemorrhage after Nonoperative namangement of Blunt Hepatic Trauma in Chlldren: A Rare but Significant Event. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1999: 34: pp 60-64
196. Borentstein S, Gerstle, T, Malkin D, Thorner P, Filler RM: The Effects of Prebiospy Corticosteroid Treatment on the Diagnosis of Mediatstinal Lymphoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2000: 35: pp 973-976
197. Filler RM: Larynx, Trachea, and Mediastinum. Pediatric Surgery Secrets 2001: 16: pp 62-65
Non Peer Reviewed - Journal Publications
1. Filler RM: Experience with total parenteral feeding of infants. Pediatrician 1974: 3: pp 220-229. PA
2. Jaffe N, Traggis D, Cassady JR, Filler RM, Watts H, Frei E: The role of high-dose methotrexate with citrovorum factor rescue in the treatment of osteogenic sarcoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics 1977: 2: pp 261-269. C
3. Cassady JR, Jaffe N, Filler RM: Multimodality therapy for Wilms' tumour. Applied Radiology 1978: 7: pp 71-74. C
4. Murphy ASK, Vawter GF, Lee ABH, Jockin H, Filler RM: Hormonal bioassay of gonadotropin-producing hepatoblastoma. Archives of Pathology Laboratory Medicine 1980: 104: pp 513-517. C
5. Ford-Jones L, Gold R, Mullins G, Barker G, Trusler G, Williams G, Hendrick B, Filler RM: Noscomial infections in pediatric intensive care unit and surgical patients. Clinical Investigative Medicine 1983: 6: pp 122. C
6. Bohn DJ, James I, Filler RM, Ein SH, Wesson DE, Shandling B, Stephens C, Barker GA: The relationship between PaCO2 and ventilation parameters in predicting survival in. 1984: 19: pp 666-671. C
7. Filler RM: Experience with the management of splenic injuries. Australia/New Zealand Journal of Surgery 1984: 54: pp 443-445. PA
8. Cohen RC, Kelly JH, Chan HSL, Mancer K, Weitzman S, Daneman A, Filler RM: Treatment and prognosis of 32 patients with bilateral Wilm's tumour. Pediatric Surgery International 1986: 1: pp 110-111. C
9. Filler M: Conjoined twins and their separation. Seminars in Perinatol 1986: 10: pp 82-91. PA
10. Filler RM: What's new in pediatric surgery. Bulletin, American College of Surgeons 1986: pp 33-35. PA
11. Pierro A, Carnielli V, Filler RM: Characteristics of protein sparing effect of total parenteral nutrition in the surgical infant. Pediatrics Digest 1989: pp 15-16. C
12. Langevin A, Pierro A, Liu P, Filler RM, Greenberg M: Adriamycin and Cis-platinum administered by continous infusion preoperatively in hepatoblastoma unresectable at presentation. Medicine and Pediatric Oncology 1990: 18: pp 181-184. C
13. Filler RM: Surgery (editorial overview). Current Opinions in Pediatrics 1990: pp 543-544. PA
14. Pierro A, Carnielli V, Filler RM, Smith F, Heim T: Metabolism of intravenous fat emulsion in the surgical newborn. Pediatrics Digest 1990: 4: pp 22-23. C
15. Ingram J, Weitzman S, Greenberg M, Parkin P, Filler RM: Complications of indwelling venous access lines in the pediatric hematology patient: A prospective comparison of external venous catheters and subcutaneous ports. American Journal of Haematology/Oncology 1991: 13: pp 130-136. C
16. Messineo A, Filler, RM, Smith C, Bahoric A: Cryopreservation of pig trachea. Pediatric Surgery International 1993: 8: pp 476-479. CPA
17. Rahmani MR, Filler, RM, Shuckett B: Bronchogenic Cyst occurring in the antenatal period. J Ultrasound med 1995: 14(12): pp 971-973. C
18. de Fraga JC, Filler RM, Forte V, Bahoric A, Smith C, Palombini BC: Experimental Use of Palmaz mettallic stent in Normal and operated trachea in cats. Revista HCPA 1997: 17: pp 109-116. SRI
19. Shilyansky J, Cutz E, Filler RM: Endogenous Hyperinsulinism: Diagnosis, management and long term follow-up. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 1997: 6: pp 115-120. CPA
20. Chitayat D, Grisaru-Granovsky S, Ryan G, Toi A, Filler RM, Seaward G, Siegel-Bartelt J, Cytrynbaum C: Familial Ileal Perforation: Prenatal Diabnosis and Postnatal Follow-up. Prenatal Diagnosis 1998: 18: pp 78-82. C
21. Pencharz P, Roberts SA, Ball R, Moore A, Filler RM: The effect of graded intake of glycyl-L-tyrosine on phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism in parenterally-fed neonantes with an estimation of tyrosine requirement. Pediatric Research 2001: Vol. 49: pp 111-119. C
Books/Chapters in Books/Proceedings
22. Filler RM, Reeves E, Sleeman HK: Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on experimental peritonitis. In: Proceedings, Third International Conference on Hyperbaric Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 1966: pp 593-600. PA
23. Filler RM: In the Children's Hospital Medical Centre, Boston, Massachusetts. In: Proceedings, Clinical Pathological Conference, Journal of Pediatrics (Farber S, Vawter GF, eds). 1967: pp 1000-1008. PA
24. Bernhard WF, Filler RM: Primary lung abscess. In: Current Therapy W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1969: pp 122-123. SRI
25. Filler RM, Das JB, Rubin VG, Coran AG, Eraklis AJ: Total intravenous nutrition in infants with a dextrose fibrin hydrolysate mixture. In: Body Fluid Replacement in the Surgical Patient (Fox CL Jr, Nahas GG, Conference Chairmen, eds). Grune and Stratton Incorporated, New York 1970: pp 353-364. PA
26. Crocker AC, Fisher JN, Filler RM: Nutritional support, including intravenous alimentation, for the infant with Wolman's disease. In: Sphingolipids, Sphinogolipdoses and Allied Disorders (Volk BW, Aronson EM, eds). Plenum Press, New York 1972: pp 661-670. C
27. Filler RM, Eraklis AJ, Das JB: Fluids, electrolytes and intravenous nutrition. In: Surgical Pediatrics (Gans S, ed). Grune and Stratton, New York 1972: pp 127-153. PA
28. Filler RM, Eraklis AJ, Das JB: Intravenous alimentation. In: Care of the Critically Ill Child (Smith C, ed). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1972. PA
29. Filler RM: Long term parenteral nutrition (hyperalimentation). In: Current Pediatric Therapy (Gellis S, Kagan B, eds). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1973: pp 12-15. PA
30. Kevy SV, Button LN, Filler RM: The effect of massive transfusion of stored blood on oxygen transport: A preliminary report. In: Hemoglobin and Red Cell Structure and Function (Brewer GJ, ed). Plenum Press, New York 1973: pp 511-516. C
31. Filler RM, Das JB: Muscle pH, PO2, PCO2 monitoring: A review of laboratory and clinical evaluations. In: Non Selective Microelectrodes: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Berman HJ, Herbert NC, eds). Plenum Press, New York 1974: pp 175-188. PA
32. Filler RM: Complications related to the catheter. In: Intravenous Nutrition in the High Risk Infant (Winters RW, Hasselmeyer EG, eds). John Wiley and Sons, New York 1975: pp 331-340. PA
33. Filler RM: Experience with total parenteral nutrition in pediatrics. In: Proceedings, International Symposium on Intensive Therapy, Total Parenteral Alimentation (Manni C, Magalini SI, Scarscia E, eds). Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, Oxford 1975: pp 221-229. PA
34. Filler RM: Long term parenteral nutrition (hyperalimentation). In: Current Pediatric Therapy (Filler RM, ed). Current Pediatric Therapy, Philadelphia 1975: pp 10-12. PA
35. Filler RM: Results in surgical neonates. In: Intravenous Nutrition in the High Risk Infant (Winters RW, Hasselmeyer EG, eds). John Wiley and Sons, 1975: pp 103-116. PA
36. Filler RM, Eraklin AJ, Das JB: Total parenteral nutrition in pediatrics: Rationale and clinical experience. In: Total Parenteral Nutrition: Premises and Promises (Ghadimi H, ed). John Wiley and Sons, New York 1975: pp 10-12. PA
37. Shwachman H, Filler RM, Lloyd-Still JD: Total parenteral nutrition in retractable diarrhea. In: Total Parenteral Nutrition: Premises and Promises (Ghadimi H, ed). John Wiley and Sons, New York 1975: pp 587-600. PA
38. Filler RM, Das JB, Coran AG: Intravenour alimentation. In: Care of the Critically Ill Child (Smith C, ed). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1977: pp 286-306. PA
39. Jaffe N, Traggis D, Cassady JR, Filler RM, Watts J, Frei E: Advances in the Treatment of Osteogenic Sarcoma Raven Press, New York 1977. C
40. Filler RM: Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. In: Principles of Pediatrics (Hoekelman RA, Blastman S, Brunell PA, Friedman SB, Seidel H, eds). McGraw Hill Book Company, New York 1978: pp 750-752. PA
41. Jaffe M, Filler RM, Cassady JR, Watts H, Vawter GF: Integrated multidisciplinary treatment for pediatric solid tumors. In: Cancer: A Manual for Practitioners American Cancer Society, Boston 1978: pp 279-288. SRI
42. Coran AG, Filler RM: Total parenteral nutrition. In: Pediatric Surgery (Ravitch M, Welch K, Benson C, Aberdeen E, Randolph J, eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago 1979: pp 53-63. SRI
43. Filler RM: Surgical treatment in pulmonary metastases from osteosarcoma. In: Bone Tumors in Children (Progress in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology: Pochedly C, Miller D - series) (Jaffe N, ed). PSG Publishing, Littleton, Massachusetts 1979: pp 161-181. PA
44. Filler RM: Tumors of the lung. In: Pediatric Surgery (Ravitch M, Welch K, Benson C, Aberdeen E, Randolph J, eds). Year Book Medical Publications, Chicago 1979: pp 578-581. PA
45. Filler RM, Crocker D: Conjoined twins. In: Pediatric Surgery (Ravitch M, Welch K, Benson C, Aberdeen E, Randolph J, eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago 1979: pp 809-814. PA
46. Filler RM: Intravenous nutrition. In: Surgical Pediatrics: Nonoperative Care (Gans S, ed). Grune Y. Stratton, New York 1980: pp 139-155. PA
47. Filler RM: Liver tumours. In: Pediatric Surgery (Holder RM, Ascraft K, eds). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1980: pp 953-959. PA
48. Filler RM: Management after splenectomy. In: Current Pediatric Therapy (Gellis S, Kagan B, eds). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1980: pp 285. PA
49. Filler RM: The pediatric surgical patient. In: Nutrition in Clinical Surgery (Deital M, ed). Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1980: pp 129-141. PA
50. Albisser AM, Bahoric A, Filler RM, Perlman K: Catheters for long-term vascular access for blood sampling and drug infusion. In: Pancreatic Disease: Diagnosis and Therapy (Dent TL, Eckhauser FE, Finik AI, Turcotte JG, eds). Grune and Stratton, New York 1981: pp 505-520. C
51. Filler RM: Parenteral support of the surgically ill child. In: Textbook of Pediatric Nutrition (Suskind RM, ed). Raven Press, New York 1981: pp 341-355. PA
52. Filler RM (Chair), Ashmore PG, Barker G, Duncan PG, Rosales JK, Waugh RR: Symposium: Pediatric intensive care. In: Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 1981: pp 32-34. PA
53. Filler RM, Hagen J: Liver tumours. In: Proceedings, Symposium on Pediatric Surgery, Surgical Clinics of North America 1981: pp 1209-1217. PA
54. Heim T, Putet G, Verellen G, Chessex P, Swyer PR, Smith JM, Filler RM: Energy cost of intravenous alimentation in the newborn infant. In: Intensive Care in the Newborn (Stern L, Salle B, Friis-Hansen B, eds). Masson Publishing, New York 1981: pp 219-238. C
55. Filler RM: Pancreas. In: Complications of Pediatric Surgery: Prevention and Management (Welch KJ, ed). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1982. PA
56. Filler RM: The newborn and young infant. In: ACS Manual of Pre and Post Operative Care W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1982. PA
57. Jaffe N, Filler RM: Teratomas in infants and children. In: Cancer Medicine (Holland JF, Frei E, eds). Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia 1982: pp 2208-2218d. SRI
58. Simone JV, Cassady JR, Filler RM: Cancers of childhood. In: Cancer: Principles and Practices of Oncology (Devita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, eds). J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia 1982: pp 1254-1330. C
59. Filler RM, Perlman K, Bahoric A, Albisser AM: Catheters: Material, sites and problems. In: Central Venous Insulin Infusion Raven Press, New York 1983: pp 155-160. PA
60. Perlman K, Ehrlich RM, Filler RM, Albisser AM: Open-loop intravenous insulin delivery in ambulatory adolescent diabetics: Waveform requirements and metabolic response. In: Artificial Systems for Insulin Delivery Systems (Brunette P, et al, eds). Raven Press, New York 1983: pp 271-279. C
61. Filler RM: Liver tumors in childhood. In: Modern Problems in Pediatrics Karger, Basel 1985. PA
62. Filler RM: Meconium ileus. In: Current Therapy in Neonatal Perinatal Medicine (Nelson MM, ed). 1985: pp 253. PA
63. Filler RM: Nutrition in the premature infant. In: Modern Problems in Pediatrics Karger, Basel 1985: pp 50-57. PA
64. Filler RM: Solid tumors of childhood. In: Cancer Principles and Practice of Oncology (Devita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, eds). J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia 1985: pp 1511-1574. PA
65. Filler RM: Tumors of the lung. In: Pediatric Surgery (Welch KJ, Randolph JG, Ravitch MM, O'Neill JA, Rowe MI, eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago 1985: pp 673. PA
66. Filler RM, Wesson DE: The pediatric surgical patient. In: Nutrition in Clinical Surgery (Deitel M, ed). Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1985: pp 185-199. PA
67. Filler RM: Neonatal intestinal obstruction. In: Current Pediatric Therapy (Gellis S, Kagan B, eds). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1986: pp 725-727. PA
68. Filler RM: Pulmonary sequestration and middle lobe syndrome. In: Current Pediatric Therapy (Gellis S, Kagan B, eds). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1986: pp 120. PA
69. Filler RM: Testicular tumors. In: Pediatric Surgery (Welch KJ, Randolph JG, Ravitch MM, O'Neill JA, Rowe MI, eds). Chicago, 1986: pp 1326. PA
70. Filler RM: Tumors of the chest. In: Current Pediatric Therapy (Gellis S, Kagan B, eds). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1986: pp 118. PA
71. Filler RM: Venous access for TPN in children: Methodology and results. In: Proceedings, International Meeting of Pediatrics, Italy (Monduzi, ed). 1986: pp 55-59. PA
72. Wesson DE, Williams J, Spence L, Filler RM, Armstrong P: Use of the injury severity score (ISS) in a pediatric population. In: Proceedings, American Association for Automotive Medicine 1986. C
73. Filler RM: The pediatric surgical patient. In: Current Therapy in Nutrition B.C. Decker Incorporated, Toronto 1988: pp 412-421. PA
74. Filler RM: The pediatric surgical patient. In: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology J.B. Lippincott Company, 1988: pp 569-582. PA
75. Pierro A, Filler RM, Carnielli V, Heim T: L'uso delle emulsioni lipidiche nell'alimentazione parenterale totale del neonato chirurgico. In: Proceedings, International Meeting of Pediatrics, Italy (Monduzzi, ed). 1988: pp 85-89. SRI
76. Filler RM: Chapter. In: The Patient's Guide to Surgery (Gross AE, Gross P, Langer BL, eds). B.C. Decker, Toronto 1989. PA
77. Burnweit CA, Filler RM: Management of blunt pancreatic trauma in children. In: Pediatric Trauma, Proceedings, Third National Conference J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia 1990: pp 129-141. SRI
78. Filler RM: Intrathoracic cysts and tumors of the chest. In: Current Pediatric Therapy (Gellis S, Kagan B, eds). W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1990: pp 117-118. PA
79. Filler RM: Meconium ileus. In: Current Therapy in Neonatal Perinatal Medicine (Nelson MM, ed). 1990: pp 302. PA
80. Filler RM: Surgery, editorial overview. In: Current Opinion in Pediatrics (Nathan DG, ed). Current Science, Philadelphia 1990: pp 543-544. PA
81. Filler RM: Acute appendicitis. In: Common Problems in Pediatric Surgery (Grosfeld J, ed). Mosby Year Book Incorporated, St. Louis, Missouri 1991: pp 71-76. PA
82. Filler RM: Tracheomalacia. In: Pediatric Thoracic Surgery Elsevier Science Publishing Company, New York 1991. PA
83. Filler RM, Weinberg MJ, Cutz E, Wesson DE, Ehrlich RM: Current status of pancreatectomy for persistent idiopathic neonatal hypoglycemia due to islet cell dysplasia. In: Progress in Pediatric Surgery (Gauderer, Angerpointner, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1991: pp 60-75. PA
84. Otherson B, Filler RM: Tracheomalacia. In: The Pediatric Airway (Otherson B, ed). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia 1991: pp 93-107. SRI
85. Vinograd I, Filler RM: Splenic trauma. In: Pediatric Surgery of the Liver, Pancreas, and Spleen (Schiller M, ed). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia 1991: pp 247-262. SRI
86. Greenberg M, Filler RM: Hepatic tumors. In: Hepatic Tumors (Pizzo P, Poplack D, eds). J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia 1993: pp 697-711. SRI
87. Koletzko B, Filler RM, Heim T: Stoffwechsel einer lipidemulsion be parenteral ernahrten neugeborenen. In: Fettemulsionen Zuckschwerdt Springer Verlag, New York 1993: pp 122-128. SRI
88. Filler RM, de Fraga JC: Tracheomalacia. In: Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (Loop, F.D., eds). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA 1994: pp 211-215. PA
89. Filler RM: Benign Conditions-Congenital Anomalies of the trachea. In: Thoracic Surgery (Pearson G., ed). Churchill Livingstone Inc., New York 1995: pp 235-250. PA
Filler RM: Liver resections. In: Pediatric Surgery (Spitz L, Coran A, eds). Chapman & Hall Medical, London, England 1995: pp 579-589. PA
91. Filler RM, Forte V: Lesions of the Larynx and Trachea. In: Pediatric Surgery 5th Edition (O’Neill J, Rowe M, Grosfeld J,ed) Mosby-year Book, St. Louis, Missouri 1995:pp 863-865
92. Filler RM: Conjoined twins. In: Surgery of Infants and Children: Scientific Principles and Practice (Oldham K, Colombani P, Foglia R, eds). Lippincott-Raven Press, Philadelphia 1997: pp 1763-1771. PA
93. Park AH, Forte V, Filler RM: Laryngotracheal Abnormalities. In: Advances in Pediatric Pulmonology (Kerem E, Canny G.J., Branski D, Levison H, eds). KARGER, 1997: pp 112-124. CPA
94. Pizzo PA, Poplack DG: Hepatic tumors. In: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology, Third Edition (Pizzo PA, Poplack DG, eds). Lippincott-Raven Press, Philadelphia 1997: pp 717-732. CPA
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